The Department of Economics was established at N.M.S.M.Government College Kalpetta in 1999 as an undergraduate programme. Currently the department offers BA in Development Economics and MA in Economics. The course intake is 61 for BA and 20 for MA.
Academic Programmes
The BA in Development Economics consists of 15 core courses, 2 complementary courses (spread over 4 semesters), 1 Open course and 1 Elective Course. Open courses are the courses offered by the department to the students of other departments. Students can select a course of their own choice offered by other depatments. Project work/ visit is to be handled by the Economics Faculties. The total credit of the programme is 120. Micro Economic Analysis, Macro Economic Analysis, International Economics, Basic tools for Economic Analysis, Economics of Financial Markets,Mathematical Economics, Econometrics, Modern banking, Computer Applications in Economics are the core courses. Among the core courses one is Project work, which enables the students to approach socio economic issues in a theoretical perspective. Complementary courses are Population studies,Agricultural Economics,Foreign Trade and Regional Economics.This programme focuses to enable the students to contribute to economic policy making, researches, and socio-economic- and environmental endeavors in global and local level and for other competitive fields.
The Department currently has seven prominent faculty members.
Dr. Rahul K, PhD , MA, NET, PhD(Assistant Professor & Head)
Dr. Rajimol MS, MA NET, PhD(Associate Professor)
Ms. Seena Devi, MA NET (Assistant Professor)
Mr. Biju Abraham, MA MPhil NET (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Basheer, MA, MPhil, NET, PhD (Assistant Professor)
Mr. Rajith MR, MA NET (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Prajisha P, PhD, MA NET (Assistant Professor)