Working Hours :From 10:00 AM to 4.00 PM in 5 periods of one hour each. Forenoon Session :10:00 AM to 1.00 PM(3 periods) Lunch Break :1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Afternoon Session :2:00 PM to 4:00 PM(2 periods) |
1. General College Rules
- Be clean and decorous in dress, language and behaviour. All students should observe strict modesty in dress and manners.
- Perfect discipline and decorum should be maintained in the classrooms and the college campus.
- Students shall always keep the identity cards with them and produce on demand by the college authorities.
- Smoking and use of intoxicants are strictly prohibited.
- The students are strictly prohibited from the use of mobile phones in the campus. Any violation in this respect will be strictly dealt with by fine or further actions.
- Do not participate in any movement likely to promote communal ill feeling.
- Do not disfigure college walls, desk or benches with writing or engravings of any description, what so ever and do not tamper with or damage fittings, articles, furniture or library books. Further, students will not be allowed to put the board of political organizations within the campus. Such posts and boards must only be put outside the campus.
- Students shall not loiter through the corridors or along the verandahs during class hours.
- No meeting or entertainment shall be organized or any fund collected in the college without the prior permission of the principal.
- Students should take note of the notifications put on the notice board every day before they leave the college. Failure to look at the notice board will not be an excuse for any omission or commission.
- In regard to all matters of conduct in and outside the college not specially mentioned herein, students are expected to conduct themselves in such a way as to maintain the fair name of the college as well as their own.
- The principal shall have the power to exercise his discretionary power in matters of punishments; fine, cancellation of attendance, forfeiture of educational concession and scholarships, suspension, compulsory issue of T.C. etc.
- Promotion to higher class, selection for university examination and issue of progress attendance or conduct certificate etc are absolutely the discretion of the principal
- As per government orders, ragging in any form should be sternly and effectively prevented. Whenever a criminal offence is committed in the name of ragging whether within the campus or outside the principal will report the matter forthwith to the nearest police station and not wait till a complaint is received in this regard. Appropriate disciplinary action will also be taken against the culprits.
- Students will not be allowed to organize any political demonstrations, meetings or committees during the class hours. Such programmes must only be organized during the lunch time or after the academic hours.
- The students are requested to abstain from those strikes with canceling the classes. It will be admissible, if such strikes are reduced to demonstrations with the prior permission of the principal.
- The students must ensure that, no outsiders including the leaders of the organizations come in to the campus except in exceptional circumstances. If such visits are necessary, special care must be taken to inform the matter to the head of the institution in advance so as to prevent any form of disharmony among the students.
- The student organizations before conducting any class campaigns in emergency situations must definitely seek the prior permission of the Principal.
- Those students who are late by 5 minutes in the class without sufficient reasons must be denied their attendance during that particular hour. As each hour is counted for the half day attendance, students must be punctual in the class.
2. Library Rules
1. The books will be issued to students from the Central Library as per the schedule arranged by the Librarian.
2. Number of books a student can borrow at a time from the library:
Degree -2 .This number can be revised as per the advice of the Library Advisory Committee after considering total number of books available in the library and the total number of students in the College.
Post Graduate- 4 (Same as above)
3. Books borrowed from the Central Library must be returned within a fortnight and they can be renewed for a further period of seven days if no one else has applied for the same book.
4. (a) Absence from college will not be accepted as an excuse for not returning the books in time.
(b) If the due date for return of books falls on weekends or holidays the book must be returned on the next working day.
(c ) Books borrowed for use during Onam, Christmas and summer vacations should be returned not later than the third day after the reopening of the college.
(d) Annual Stock Verification- All the books borrowed from the Central Library by students and members of teaching and non-teaching staff must be returned by the first of March every year for the annual physical stock verification of the library.
5. (a) Failure to return a book on or before the due date entails the student to pay a fine of one rupee per day of delay for each book.
(b) Failure to pay fine in time will result in the forfeiture of the right to borrow books till fines are paid.
(c) Transfer Certificates will be issued and caution deposit refunded only after clearing all the dues to the library.
6. (a) A member of the teaching staff is allowed to borrow ten books at a time from the Central Library.
(b) Members of the non-teaching staff are allowed to borrow three books at a time from the Central Library.
7. (a) All books should be returned in time for the annual physical stock verification in March every year.
(b) A member of staff who takes leave must return all the books borrowed from the library before proceeding on leave.
8. Disfiguring the pages, scribbling on pages, tearing pages, damaging and injuring of binding will be held as serious damage to books and in such cases they are either to be replaced by new copies or get bound by the borrowers as the case may be.
9. For loss of books the following procedure will be followed:- as per G.O.1028/A3/93.H.Edn. dated 28/05/1993.
(i) If new edition or copies of the lost books are available with the book suppliers, the book has to be replaced by a new one.
(ii) If the lost book is not available for replacement the value of the lost book will be realized at the following rates:-
(a)Ten times the face value of the books which are published prior to 1946.
(b) Six times face value of the books which are published, prior to 1970.
(c ) Three times the face value of the books in all other cases.
(d) If the book value cannot be ascertained from the Library Stock Registers compensation will be fixed on the basis of the market price of similar publication at the time of fixation.
10. Sub-lending and transferring of books to other persons’ are not allowed.
11. Books from the reference section shall not be taken outside the library.
12. Strict silence should be observed in the Library. Personal belonging such as umbrellas, bags, tiffin carriers, etc., are not allowed to be kept in the Library. Smoking, sleeping and indecorous behaviour are prohibited inside the Library. The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited inside the library.
13. In all matters regarding the Library the decision of the Principal shall be final.
3.Anti Ragging Rules
Kerala Ragging Prohibition Act 1998
For the information of the students and their parents, extracts from the Kerala
Ragging Prohibition Act published in 1998, forbidding ragging in the educational
institutions of Kerala are quoted below:
- By Ragging, it is meant any physical or mental torture or any disorderly conduct towards any student of an educational institution causing apprehension, dread, and agitation in him/her. It can be any harassment like insulting, teasing, bullying or manhandling. It can also be forcing upon him/her to do something which he/she voluntarily wouldn’t dare to do normally.
- Prohibition of Ragging: Ragging is prohibited both inside and outside an educational the campus.
- Punishment for Ragging: Any student involved in ragging/persuades other for ragging or advocated ragging/ either inside or outside an educational institution shall be subject to a punishment of not more than two years imprisonment in addition to a penalty of not over Rs. 10,000.00.
- Dismissal of Students: A student subject to the punishment under section (4) is liable to be dismissed from the institution and will be barred from being admitted to any other institution for a period of three years from the date of receipt of his/her dismissal order.
- Suspension of students: If a student/parent/guardian or any teacher of the institution forwards a written complaint to the Head of the institution, he/she has to make an urgent enquiry into the matter within 7 days of receipt of such a complaint. If the allegation is proved to be correct, the accused must be suspended with immediate effect and the matter be referred to the police for further proceedings. 2(1) As is said in sub-section I, if a written complaint is received by the head of the institution, he has to make a detailed enquiry and if it is found baseless, the complainant must be informed of it in writing.
- Abetting: If the head of the institution refuses to take action in the manner described under section 6 or is negligent in initiating any steps, he is to be treated as one abetting the crime and is liable to be punished.